Donnerstag, 7. August 2003

Johannes und Jon beim Feststellen der exakten Position der Außenmauer im Gipfelbereich des Turntobels

Dazu einige Feststellungen über die ersten Grabungstag von unserem englischen Archäologen Jon Digby:

"Hello everybody and greetings from Jon, your English guest at the Turntobel! This is the third time I have had the pleasure of digging up your beautiful countryside, and already it is proving to be a very interesting, but also extremely challenging excavation.

I have spent the first four days excavating an area to the east of the site, trying to locate the exact position of the wall. Today we finally had success on the outside of the wall. However it is still not exactly clear where the inside of the wall can be found. Hopefully we will have success in this area tomorrow.

As always I am finding everybody on site to be extremely hospitable (and forgiving of my poor attempts to speak German!). I hope to see you all at the site at some point. But remember if you are bringing any refreshment – it has to be tea for me and only at 4 pm! ;-)

All the best – Jon."

Seit dem zweiten Tag gibt’s immer wieder eindeutig mittelalterliche Scherbenfunde – hier eine kleine Auswahl.
Kleine Stärkung am Nachmittag.
Ganz rechts im Bild die Mutter von unserem jugendlichen Mitarbeiter Colin, die uns heute mit herrlichem Mittagessen und Kuchen beglückte – danke!

